


Microbihome is an accessible learning project exploring the human digestive tract, immersing the audience in a sensory environment, a creative representation of bacterial effects on human wellbeing and health. Along with Paul Miller’s auditory and visual mediums using digital technology, I used textiles and plastics to create 3D forms.

My work draws inspiration from the forms of streptococci bacteria, made manifest into globular textile forms, creating the textural dimension of the installation.

'MicrBIhome' @ Manchester Science Festival


@ DPL, UOS in association with Manchester Science Festival. 2018

Polyester Sculpture

Bacterial Form

When given a brief, working within spatial restrictions, using animated projections and captivating them, I used a light weight material that could be edited upon the backdrop in sections. This meant that it would organically grow in dynamic when layered upon.
To create the multiplying nature of the Streptococcus Gordonii, I wanted to imitate globular forms in a material that is capable of holding its shape, then manipulated into large quantities.
This resulted in sampling and using Crystal Organza(Polyester),experimenting with heat, pattern cutting and sewing techniques.
In addition using sterilised potato based starch spray, which gave a light stench to the material as well as to strengthen the manipulated shapes, which achieved an over all concept of immersing the participant in a tactile experience.


Chloe James (Research)

Paul Miller (Lead Artist/Designer)